Celebrity Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong at the Oscars 2014

by | May 17, 2024 | Uncategorized

I’m sure that anyone who saw Kim Novak or Goldie Hawn at the recent Academy Awards telecast was able to tell that they were the victims of Celebrity Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong!  As a fan of the natural look after plastic surgery, it is obvious that these two beautiful ladies do not share my viewpoint.  I understand the need to maintain a look that made you famous, but the reality is that the human body changes too much to try and mask aging.  If you have the genetics to age well, then you probably will age well.  If you don’t, you are going to need a lot of help. When much of the plastic surgery world agrees that less is more, Hollywood continues to buck the trend and go for more is more.  The result, more often than not, is bad plastic surgery.  I’m sure it is very difficult for an A-list plastic surgeon to say no to their famous clientele, but they should start saying NO!  The Hippocratic Oath’s first pledge is to “Do No Harm.”  I think that there is incredible harm done to the reputations of these actors and actresses when their unreasonable quest for youth makes them ask for harmful or unreasonable things. What is most difficult is the request by the everyday patient to look like a celebrity.  With their extreme visibility, especially in the age of social media, celebrities wield incredible influence on the style choices of the regular joe.  I have to talk patients out of things all the time because expecting to look like a certain celebrity leads to having severely unrealistic expectations. Even in laid back South Denver, patients will ask to have the lips of Megan Fox, the nose of Jennifer Aniston, and the rump of J. Lo!  It’s tough to watch their dejected faces when I have to bring them back to reality. Sometimes I wonder why they just can’t leave well enough alone! Aging gracefully is an art form that sometimes does benefit from the eyes and hands of a talented plastic surgeon…


* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.

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