“I Wish I Did This Sooner!!! – Englewood, CO – I had Vaser liposuction three months ago by Dr. Shah. I can’t express enough how grateful I am not only to him for doing such a wonderfully detailed sculpting job on my body (flanks, back rolls, upper & lower abs), but also grateful that I gave myself the permission to finally do this for myself. I am in my mid 30’s and am not overweight but for 20 years have struggled with these areas that just never looked right to me and made me feel self-conscious & bad about myself most of the time. I became very good at hiding my ‘problem areas’ with larger clothes and/or always tied a sweater or sweatshirt around my waist, but that certainly didn’t make me feel good about myself and I felt like I had to guard these areas at all times. Other than my close friends and significant other most people would never have known that I was silently suffering with this insecurity because I am an extrovert, very outgoing, and ironically appeared very confident about myself. I avoided shopping for clothes because it became something that I dreaded (a burden!) rather than something to look forward to because it seemed that I would always end up in clothes that I felt like I had to wear versus what I really wanted to wear…and feel sexy & confident wearing. My eyes would immediately look at my mid-section as soon as I put any clothes on and most times I felt defeated before I even looked in the mirror. I highly recommend Dr. Shah! He was excellent in explaining & recommending my treatment plan and we were on the same page every step of the process. He is extremely meticulous about his work and I appreciate the time he took to make sure I was comfortable and happy with the results I was hoping to receive. He and his staff are caring, warm, & friendly and made me feel comfortable about asking questions (and I had a lot!). Now I have the confidence that I have always secretly longed for and the only regret I have is that I didn’t do this sooner!”