How Do I Know if Rhinoplasty is Right for Me?

by | May 16, 2024 | rhinoplasty

There are many reasons a person may choose to undergo rhinoplasty, or a nose job, in South Denver. Dr. Manish Shah is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in plastic surgery of the face, breast, body, and skin. Rhinoplasty is by far Dr. Shah’s favorite procedure, and he is considered a top rhinoplasty surgeon in the state. At Shah Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Shah is committed to the informed patient. By educating patients, he provides them with all the pertinent information to make an informed decision for the best possible outcome so they can achieve their goals. If you think rhinoplasty is right for you, contact Shah Aesthetic Surgery today for a consultation.

What are the different types of rhinoplasty?

Cosmetic rhinoplasty is a nose surgery procedure that is usually performed purely for cosmetic reasons for patients who are unhappy with their appearance. In essence, it is a procedure that reshapes the nose to enhance its appearance. Functional rhinoplasty is nasal surgery performed to improve the breathing function of the nose. Reconstructive rhinoplasty is performed to correct nasal deformity, secondary to nasal trauma or cancer removal procedures.

Some of the issues that people use cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery to resolve are to change the shape of the tip of the nose, to improve the nasal profile by removing bumps or indentations, to change the angle of the nose as it relates to the mouth, to change the shape or size of the nostrils, to reduce and reshape a large nasal tip, and to create a nose that visually harmonizes with the face.

Who is the ideal candidate for rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty procedure is most ideal for patients who’ve completed their mid-facial growth period. This is generally considered to be after 14 years of age in girls and 17 years of age in boys. Patients also need to be in good health and should only be considering rhinoplasty for their own personal benefit and not to please anyone else.

Patients should also have realistic goals and expectations because rhinoplasty surgery creates a change to the face. Rhinoplasty procedures can affect a great deal of improvement in a nose, but it is generally not recommended to try to change the nose drastically. Consulting with a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty surgery procedures, like Dr. Shah, is one of the best ways to determine if your goals are achievable.

Where can I find a rhinoplasty specialist in the South Denver area?

South Denver rhinoplasty specialist Dr. Manish Shah is considered one of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in the country. Patients from South Denver, the surrounding region, nationally and internationally consult with him because of his skill, expertise, and demeanor. He is dedicated to providing the very best in rhinoplasty techniques and care possible. Dr. Shah’s top priority is safe and effective surgery, so unlike other doctors, he isn’t afraid to be completely honest with his patients. As one of the best plastic surgeons in Colorado, Dr. Shah is focused on natural surgery, so he doesn’t perform extreme surgeries.

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