What Does a Mini Facelift Include?

by | May 14, 2024 | Facelift / Mini Facelift

Despite diligently using anti-aging products, such as retinol, hyaluronic acid, and other formulas, have you started to notice the development of fine lines and wrinkles? Despite the subtle signs of aging, you might not be ready to undergo a full facelift, but a mini facelift might be the ideal option to treat wrinkles and improve sagging skin on the face and neck.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Manish Shah meets with patients at Shah Aesthetic Surgery to discuss their goals. After evaluating your skin in Denver, CO, he may recommend a mini facelift to help smooth away the first signs of aging.

What is a mini facelift?

A mini facelift involves the placement of small incisions near the hairline or in the folds of the skin to tighten the area. Following a mini facelift, patients can look from 5 – 10 years younger.

The benefits of a mini facelift include:

  • Discreet points of entry to minimize scarring
  • Scars are hidden
  • Provides noticeable results

If your skin has developed wrinkles and sagging, a mini facelift might be ideal to tighten the middle and bottom portions of your face. Most patients are between 50 to 70 years old when they undergo a facelift. There is no perfect age for a facelift. Instead, you’ll need to determine if it’s the right time for you.

A mini facelift is often referred to as a short scar facelift because of the short incisions used during the surgical procedure. The treatment will effectively treat the lower and middle face regions. It will not smooth away severe aging or wrinkles, which is why it is an ideal facelift for younger patients.

Do other types of facelifts address wrinkles and sagging skin?

If a mini facelift is not right for your needs, you might want to consider one of the other facelift surgeries offered by Dr. Shah at Shah Aesthetic Surgery in Denver, CO.

Skin-Only Facelift

A skin-only facelift is also called a cutaneous facelift. It involves removing the excess loose skin to provide a tighter, smoother appearance. After the excess skin is removed, the remaining skin is lifted and repositioned to effectively tighten the skin around your cheeks and jawline. With this form of a facelift, the fat and muscle are not impacted. The facelift focuses on the skin only. If you have good muscle tone and a nice distribution of fat, but your skin has started to lose elasticity, this is an ideal type of facelift for your needs.

Traditional Facelift

A traditional facelift is also called a superficial muscular-aponeurotic system (SMAX). The surgical procedure focuses on the muscles. During a traditional facelift, long incisions are made on the side of the face from the temple down the hairline to behind the ear. The skin is then reshaped and pulled back. Excess fat and skin are removed to create a tighter appearance.

Deep Plane Lift

If you have severe sagging skin from aging and sun damage, a deep plane lift might be ideal. With this form of a facelift, the deep structures of the face are lifted with the overlaying skin in a block. This procedure helps with heavy jowls and will soften the appearance of the nasolabial fold.

Schedule a mini facelift consultation in Denver, CO

If you are interested in a mini facelift, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Manish Shah at Shah Aesthetic Surgery in Denver, CO.. Dr. Shah will examine your skin and discuss your facelift options. To learn more about mini facelift surgery and find out which one is right for you, contact us today.

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