cheek augmentation

Cheek Augmentation
in Denver, CO

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Strong cheekbones give an individual a defined facial profile which many find appealing and youthful looking. Cheek augmentation places implants or fillers within the mid-face to correct the loss of volume that occurs with weight loss, aging or gravity. Cheek augmentation surgery alone may take years off the face and also helps to decrease the visible effects of laugh lines, wrinkles, loose jowls and a sagging jaw line. There are many options to consider with cheek augmentation, each with an outcome that can provide plumpness to the cheeks and establish a rejuvenated facial appearance. South Denver plastic surgeon, Dr. Manish Shah helps his patients choose the best cheek augmentation procedure to bring balance and harmony to the patient’s face.

What Are The Benefits Of Cheek Augmentation?

Cheek augmentation in South Denver at Shah Aesthetic Surgery can enhance and refine your look with several great benefits, including:

  • Offers customizable surgical and nonsurgical options
  • Creates subtle to dramatic results
  • Improves facial aesthetic harmony and balance
  • Accentuates the cheeks
  • Addresses areas of volume loss
  • Results can be permanent or temporary
  • Results are natural-looking
  • Little to no scarring
  • Procedure carries minimal risk

Am I A Candidate For Cheek Augmentation?

The best patients for cheek augmentation are men and women who:

  • Would like more volume in their mid-face
  • Have lost volume in their cheeks with age
  • Have naturally hollow or flat cheeks
  • Have lost a significant amount of weight, resulting in deflated cheeks
  • Have an imbalance in their cheeks from a congenital defect, a health condition, or an injury
  • Are in good general health

Dermal filler injections may be a good option for men and women who want to avoid the time and expense of surgery. Since dermal filler injections create temporary results, this option can also help patients get a better idea of how much volume and lift they want before switching to surgical cheek augmentation. Cheek implants are a good choice for those who want longer-lasting results and can spend time recovering after surgery.

cheek augmentation
cheek implant surgery

Surgical Technique

Cheek implants are either placed within the malar (directly on the cheek bone) or submalar (below the cheekbone) area. These are inserted through incisions made typically within the upper lip or below the eyes. Implants can vary in type, size and shape depending on the analysis of the cheek structure. Listed below are the common methods used for cheek augmentation techniques.

Silicone Implants

Silicone is a permanent solution to add volume to the cheeks with a variety of shapes and sizes that match the patient’s preference. The surgeon will consider the silicone shape and size, as well as the definition the implant will provide after a digital analysis of the patient’s face structure has been assessed. Pockets will be made directly against the cheekbone where the implants will be fitted and sutured. This type of silicone is unlike the silicone gel found in breast implants and it is a safer option as it is in solid form and does not run any risks of leakage.

Porous Polythylene

Another popular implant option is porous polyethylene, which is also inserted the same way as a silicone implant. Because the material is porous, it shapes naturally according to the cheek’s internal contours. This type of implant also attaches better to the bones and tissues and allows tissue grow through it further adjusting it to the cheek’s natural form. A disadvantage with this implant is because of this tissue integration, it is quite difficult to remove the implant should the patient want it taken out.

Hyaluronic Acid

This is a natural occurring substance within the body and often found in the connective tissue. It is processed as an injectable filler for medical purposes, including cosmetic surgery. The least invasive of all procedures, the filler is injected in deep layers within the mid-face area. While most fillers create beautiful, natural results, the outcome is not permanent. Most fillers will last approximately 6-12 months.

Fat Grafting

Another natural substance that can be injected into the mid-face to enhance volume is the patient’s own fat tissues that are harvested from donor sites using liposuction, and then reinjected into the cheeks. Fat can also be absorbed by the body over time, so similar to an injectable filler, this option does not create a permanent result.

Cheek Augmentation

I feel like a new person – As someone of normal weight who has always had a “fat” face, I was tired of trying to contour in a jawline and cheekbones. I tried Kybella in December of 2017 and it did nothing. In addition to this, I have always had a recessed chin and no amount of contour can make a chin magically appear. I finally decided to take the steps and get a tiny bit of liposuction in addition to a chin implant….


As someone of normal weight who has always had a “fat” face, I was tired of trying to contour in a jawline and cheekbones. I tried Kybella in December of 2017 and it did nothing. In addition to this, I have always had a recessed chin and no amount of contour can make a chin magically appear. I finally decided to take the steps and get a tiny bit of liposuction in addition to a chin implant. Dr. Shah explained the process to me and out of all the doctors I contacted, I chose him due to his professionalism and non-salesy attitude. I don’t want to be sold procedures—I want to be informed and given the ability to decide what is best for me, and this is exactly what Dr. Shah did. Dr. Shah and his colleagues gave me a good idea of what the procedure would feel like and helped me through each step of my procedure and recovery. I am now 2 months out and I feel like a new person.Updated on 3 Mar 2019:Here are some photos! I would say the recovery process wasn’t too painful, but it was not pain free or easy. There was a decent amount of bruising and some pain/numbness from the lipo that still lingers. Everything seems to be healing well, though, and I can’t wait for the final results.


I feel like a new person – As someone of normal weight who has always had a “fat” face, I was tired of trying to contour in a jawline and cheekbones. I tried Kybella in December of 2017 and it did nothing. In addition to this, I have always had a recessed chin and no amount of contour can make a chin magically appear. I finally decided to take the steps and get a tiny bit of liposuction in addition to a chin implant. Dr. Shah explained the process to me and out of all the doctors I contacted, I chose him due to his professionalism and non-salesy attitude. I don’t want to be sold procedures—I want to be informed and given the ability to decide what is best for me, and this is exactly what Dr. Shah did. Dr. Shah and his colleagues gave me a good idea of what the procedure would feel like and helped me through each step of my procedure and recovery. I am now 2 months out and I feel like a new person.Updated on 3 Mar 2019:Here are some photos! I would say the recovery process wasn’t too painful, but it was not pain free or easy. There was a decent amount of bruising and some pain/numbness from the lipo that still lingers. Everything seems to be healing well, though, and I can’t wait for the final results.


I feel like a new person – As someone of normal weight who has always had a “fat” face, I was tired of trying to contour in a jawline and cheekbones. I tried Kybella in December of 2017 and it did nothing. In addition to this, I have always had a recessed chin and no amount of contour can make a chin magically appear. I finally decided to take the steps and get a tiny bit of liposuction in addition to a chin implant. Dr. Shah explained the process to me and out of all the doctors I contacted, I chose him due to his professionalism and non-salesy attitude. I don’t want to be sold procedures—I want to be informed and given the ability to decide what is best for me, and this is exactly what Dr. Shah did. Dr. Shah and his colleagues gave me a good idea of what the procedure would feel like and helped me through each step of my procedure and recovery. I am now 2 months out and I feel like a new person.


Dr. Shah made me feel comfortable every time I saw him – I had a revision rhinoplasty by Dr. Shah and I couldn’t be happier. I had a rhinoplasty in 2005 that I was never really happy with. As I reached my mid-40’s my nose started to get lumpy and you could actually see and feel the bumps on the bridge of my nose. I wanted to get a revision but didn’t have the time to focus on it, until COVID. I live in a mid-sized city (Colorado Springs, CO) and I believe I went to every plastic surgeon in CS and I could see doctors faces become uncomfortable when I would go in for a consult for a revision. Most of them just made me uncomfortable with how defensive they would become. I found Dr. Shah through research on the internet and went in for my consult. Within 30 seconds of looking at my nose he said “I know how to fix this” and boy did he ever. I didn’t want a drastic change and he gave me that as well. Dr. Shah has a system for minimal bruising that works magic and I had very little bruising after my surgery. Dr. Shah is professional and made me feel comfortable every time I saw him. The staff (especially Brenda) is amazing too. I like them all so much I am going back in several months for a neck lift and and chin implant. I will get pictures posted eventually but if you are considering a rhinoplasty revision – Dr. Shah is AMAZING and you will not be disappointed.



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During/After Surgery

Cheek augmentation is done as an outpatient procedure with the use of anesthesia. It is performed in an accredited surgical facility and normally takes up to 1 hour to complete. Bruising, swelling and numbness are a part of the immediate recovery and usually subside within the second week. Although the result is instantly noticeable, over the course of a few months as the implant settles into its new position, the results will become softer and more natural.

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Cheek Augmentation FAQs

Implants or Fillers?

  • Generally, both have long-standing records when it comes to safety. The major concern that many patients have is how permanent the results are. Injectable fillers are mostly temporary. As these are manufactured from natural substances, a great volume of the filler is absorbed by the body. Silicone implants are made solid in this type of augmentation and has no risk of leakage, which renders them more permanent than the other materials.

Natural Results?

Initially, the face will feel stretched and tight as the implants settle into its position. This is normal and the sensation will gradually disappear until a month passes. It is important to find a plastic surgeon that has a good track record in performing facial procedures to ensure that the results will be according to the patient’s aesthetic goals.

Will There Be Scars?

Since the incisions are made within the mouth and underneath the upper lip, the scars will not be visible. The scars will dissolve on their own.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.